Prepare tennis sessions for your child


Here you will learn how to use TennisGate to create a simple session plan for your child.


Step 1

Consider the topic for your session

The first step is to determine the main topic for your session and since catching and throwing are fundamental skills in tennis for young children, we have chosen “Throwing and Catching” as our main topic for our example. 

Envision the following scenario: Your child is 7 years old and has recently begun playing tennis, and you want to support them in practicing “Throwing and Catching.”

Step 2

Select the Appropriate category in the main menu

You will find all our exercises and drills for children in our menu in 2 categories: Kids Athletics and Kids Tennis.  In Kids Athletics you will find all the exercises to develop general athletic skills and in Kids Tennis, you will find all tennis specific exercises. Since we want to practice ‘Throwing and Catching’, we will choose  “Kids Athletics” from the menu.

Choose the category
Choose the category

Step 3

Select the first exercise for the session

To select your first exercise for your session you need to filter inputing the age of your child and the topic that you would like to target. For our example session, we will start with a warm up exercise first to improve coordination and balance, and therefore choose choose  “Coordination and Balance” from the menu.

Step 4

Get more specific

Now it’s time to refine our focus.  Since they will be working on throwing and catching, let’s choose a warm up exercise that will prepare them.  To find our drill, we will click “Arm Coordination” and “Run ABC”, that way we will get them moving the whole body and focus on the arms.  The video we selected is called “Arm Swings” 

Choose a Run ABC exercise for warming up
Choose a Run ABC exercise for warming up

Step 5

Save your drill in a collection

Our collection tool is very useful when creating a session, since it allows you to organize all your session drills in one place. Let’s start a collection with our first drill “Arm Swings” To organize, click “Add to Collection” in the sidebar and give your collection a suitable name such as “Throwing and Catching Session 1”.  Any additional drills you choose can then be added to this collection. (Watch the video for guidance)

Step 6

Choose more drills

Now let’s find drills for the heart of the session “Throwing and Catching”

We go back to “Kids Athletics” out of the top menu and combine the following filters:

  • Kids Coordination and Balance (Topic)
  • Bambinis 7-10 (Recommended Age)
  • Catching and Throwing (Focus)

Now we can pick different drills form all of our options.  For our example, let’s choose 3 increasingly difficult drills. respecting the methodological principle (from easy to difficult, from simple to complex).

  1. First we choose the drill “Catching and Throwing Overhead in Different Directions”.
  2. Then the second drill “Bambinis – Throwing and Catching – One Bounce with Movement”
  3. Then the third drill “Bambinis – Throwing and Catching – In the Air with Movement”

Step 7

Save all drills to your collection

Remember to save all drills to your collection. To do this do the following for each video: Click on “Add to Collection,” select “Add to Existing,” and choose your previously created collection.

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