Your Child’s First Rally


Whether you’re new to tennis or have been involved in the sport for years, we have resources and support to help you and your child succeed in your tennis journey.

In this demo, we’ll show you how to get your child to rally for the first time with the help of TennisGate.


Step 1

Select the Appropriate category in the main menu

Envision the following scenario: Your child is 7 years old and has recently begun playing tennis. Your goal is to help him learn to rally as quickly as possible.

Since she/he cannot rally, her/his level of play according to our 4-level system is Level 1.

A good place to start when looking for in-depth information to solve common problems is our “Solving Problems” section. So, let’s do that. Let’s go to “Solving Problems for Parents” and select “Level 1” under Playing Level in the sidebar.

Step 2

Choose the instructional advice

The corresponding results for level 1 are suggested. Now it’s time to get a bit more specific. Select the filter in the topic “Improving Fundamentals”.

We choose the Video “Helping Your Child Thrive in Tennis: A Guide for Parents on Building Skills and Confidence”.

This instructional video focuses on teaching tennis to young beginners, following a natural progression that begins with basic racket and ball control skills and builds up to simple rallies.

Step 3

Save your video in a collection

Our collection tool is invaluable for organizing all your videos in one place. Let’s start a collection on the topic “First Rally.” To organize, simply click “Add to Collection” in the sidebar and give your collection a suitable name, like “First Rally,” with a subtext such as “Racket and Ball Control Exercises” as an example. You can then add any additional videos to this collection for easy access and reference.

Step 4

Choose more videos
Now, explore additional videos that support your thopic to make training with your child even more engaging. We know that variety in training helps keep children interested and motivated.
For our example, we will stay in the category “Solving problems for parents” and pick two more videos:
  • How to Enhance Catching Skills with Cone Drills
  • How to Use Rolling Skills to Set a Good Basis for Your Kids

Step 5

Save all videos to your existing collection

Remember to save all drills to your collection. To do this do the following for each video: Click on “Add to Collection,” select “Add to Existing,” and choose your previously created collection.

Best practice for parents
Add to existing collection

Step 6

Get more impulses for your training

To access additional videos to help your children, take a look at the other categories, where you will find many drills and tips. When playing with young children the “Kids Tennis” category offers a wealth of resources on how to introduce young players to the game.

You can filter by your child’s level (e.g., Level 1) or by Topic, Recommended Ball and Playing Area.

For tips specifically for younger children, you can also try filtering for “Red Ball” and “ITF Stage Red,” among other options. These filters make it easy to find exactly what you need!

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50933 Köln