Developing High Performance Tennis Players

A guide from Edgar Giffenig for coaches, players, parents and anyone who wants to know what it takes to be the best!

This book is an attempt to answer the questions that Edgar has pondered most of his life: What does it take to be a great tennis player and what is the most effective way to train.

It is a summary of 40 years in competitive tennis as a high performance player and coach of elite athletes. Within its pages you will find a player development system that guides coaches, players and parents through the intricacies of high performance tennis training.

It provides an in-depth analysis and explanation of every important aspect of the game and presents a clear and complete roadmap for anyone interested in truly understanding what it takes to excel in this marvelous sport.
Edgar Giffenigs Book "Developing High Performance Tennis Players"

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About the Author

Edgar Giffenig

Edgar is the International Consultant and Project Leader of TennisGate.

Edgar is a Frequent speaker in coaching workshops throughout the world. ITF, PTR, DTB, ITA, USTA, FMT, TA. He was National Coach in the USA, Germany and Mexico.

He was a member of the ITF Coaches Commission and has spent over 35 years coaching players of all ages and level. Edgar still likes to play and in 2016 he was ranked number 5 in the world in the  55s ITF World Ranking. Edgar is fluent in German, English and Spanish.

He is the Author of the Books “Play Tennis with Passion” and “Developing High Performance Tennis Players”.


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