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Joint Health
Body + Brain
Warm up shoulder in circles
Now tense your muscles and make a fist with your left hand. This will prevent you from evasive movement during the exerc...
Body + Brain
Warm up hips in circles
Make sure you keep your leg up and perform the movement to the maximum. To get access to the videos and prem...
Body + Brain
Warm up upper body in circles
Pay attention to the stability in your legs and torso. Change direction after each round. To get access to t...
Body + Brain
Warm up the cervical spine in circles
Tense all muscles in the body to avoid compensatory and evasive movements, except for the neck and cervical muscles. Low...
Body + Brain
Warm up shoulder blade in circles
Perform the exercise standing up, legs about hip-wide. Let your arms hang loosely. Now tense your muscles and make a fis...
Body + Brain
Warm up the wrist in circles
To isolate the joint, use your left hand to fix the arm just before the joint. Now make circular movements with your han...
Body + Brain
Warm up the knees in circles
Stand firmly on your left leg and lift your right leg slightly forward. At first it helps if you support yourself agains...
Body + Brain
Warm up the ankle joint in circles
This is how you prepare the ankle for training, as part of the mobilisation in the warm-up programme – before you...
Body + Brain
Warm up elbow joint in circles
Take a stable, upright position and let both arms hang loosely. Now open your right hand and turn your forearm outwards...
Preparation to Play
Mobilize your wrist before training
The player warms up his wrist before training. To do this, the forearm should remain stable. It is easier if the arm is...
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