Tennis players of all ages and levels, from world class, young professional to ambitious youth athletes have been functionally screened by TennisGate expert Silvester Neidhardt. The special TennisGate performance screen also includes a review while playing the sport on court. This not only delighted the players, but also coaches and parents.
What coaches, players and parents say
The TennisGate exercise videos and testing with Silvester have been incredibly helpful in identifying and working on my functional weaknesses. The fact that these videos are now available in courses is awesome.
I am very grateful to TennisGate for this help. Although I was very scared at first because of my many weak points and the resulting impact on my performance. Since coming to TennisGate, every day starts with a better quality of life for me and increases my performance on the court. Exactly what helps me to reach my goals.
This newfound mobility changed my life and gave me back the joy of competing at the highest level. I was able to play and practice without pain again.
As a coach, I too have adopted joint hygiene for coaches as a daily ritual and have felt much better since. I am 50 years old, get up as a perceived 60 year old and start the day after joint hygiene at 40!
Tennis - a passion also for seniors. On this process path, I am mega glad that I met Silvester. Through him, I have adopted a completely new, holistic approach and approach to improving my tennis game.
Besides the added motivation of having been with one of the best in the field, this visit to TennisGate was crucial in bringing a new awareness to my son on his path to achieving his goals.
A valuable screening for my boys, memorable and understandable As a father, I want my boys to become better and healthier athletes after this screening.