
If we observe top players and compare them with club players, we notice that world-class athletes receive information about the ball flight (direction, height, speed, spin ) and the expected point of impact (ball impact) more quickly and can implement this information more efficiently. We can see this in the reaction times. The initial movement, such as the opening of the hips (knee rotation) and/or the rotation in the shoulder girdle (turning the shoulder up), occurs earlier than in recreational players. They are also much more consistent tactically. They play fast, but avoid risk. The only way to do that is through spin.

In these observations, we see that the top players open their hips early – and before the foot touches down. This allows them to start faster in the direction.

Observing technique, tactics and footwork of tour players.
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Analyze and clarify details that otherwise remain hidden.
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Implementing, integrating into the training, but indvidualizing and taking into account the range of motion.
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